Focus on the question, situation, or event. Pull out a cards and look at it and ask yourself questions. If you're with someone, let them ask you. Questions that will help you recognize vague feelings, understand what is happening, and draw conclusions.
1. What do you see on this card? What's going on here?
2. How do you feel when you look at the card? What thoughts and emotions arise?
3. What on the card attracts your attention? Why?
4. What do you dislike about the card? Why?
5. Do you see yourself in this picture? It can be one of the characters, an inanimate object, a color,or you remain a bystander.
6. How does a particular character feel on the card? What does he want to do?
7. What could your character tell you or recommend?
8. How will the events in the picture develop further?
9. What does this card say about you? About your situation?
10. What is there in the picture that you didn't notice?
11. What conclusions can you draw for yourself?
It is also highly advisable to say the answers out loud or write them down, even if you are alone. So messages and insights will become more real and can really affect your life and spiritual path!